Finding Your Brand Essence with Amie Thompson

online business Mar 24, 2022
Finding Your Brand Essence with Amie Thompson


Can you pinpoint the uniqueness or 'magic sauce' of your brand? Why is defining brand essence important to women in leadership positions? In this episode of Cash In On Camera Amie Thompson talks about how to identify your brand essence and how to leverage it to grow your business or organization.



Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear… 

▶️ [0:00] Especially as a woman, leader, we have to take into account what kind of representation or reputation we're putting out into the marketplace. In other words, our brand, whether that be our company brand or our personal brand, it's important to really have an understanding of the brand. And so, I'm excited today to have Amie Thompson, who is the president and CEO of Creative Allies on the show today.
▶️ [2:43] So, I like to find out from people, you know, what are you passionate about? What are you trying to accomplish through your business? For me, for example, I love to help people. And so it doesn't actually matter if I run a marketing company, I work at a nonprofit, whatever I'm doing, whatever business I'm in, that's really, my goal is to figure out how can I help people identify what they need or what their challenges and how can I help them find a solution for it. 
▶️ [4:11] That first step is really understanding what drives you and what's your passion, but then you can look through people that you have worked with and people that you have helped. And what are you doing to make that happen? So for example, are you a problem solver, or are you a certain marketing tactic that you're really great at?
▶️ [6:22] A lot of people like to help people, but you take the interview, and then you're able to put that information into, let's say a video package or into some type of content to help that person grow their brand. That's the step that most people can't do.
▶️ [8:11] And that on the surface, I think sounds so easy, but I don't think most of us really spend enough time just being introspective and really studying ourselves. It sounds a little bit crazy, but studying ourselves so that we know what is that area that we're just better, we're special. What is that area that really sets us apart? And I do think that takes time. I think the first step of what you're passionate about, even the next step of why you're a little bit better than someone else.
▶️ [10:00] Go ahead and start. Because one of the things that is very appealing to audiences is authenticity. And when people can follow along with you on your journey, it's helpful to them, it can be helpful to you. So, like most things don't wait until it's perfect or doesn't wait until you think it's completely finished before you hit go. 
▶️ [12:08] But in the process of talking about your business, you're actually learning about the client, the PR, the prospective client, but you're also learning about yourself. How do I message things? How do I describe how we can help people? And so that process of being out in front is so necessary for a person in leadership or someone that runs a business. 
▶️ [14:30] So that would be the advice I would share those days of just focusing solely on tactics and your marketing plan and your strategy and all of those great words and just taking a step back and focusing on getting to know the person you're talking to and understanding what their needs are and what problems they have or challenges they face and how can you help them.


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