Find The Right Market To Grow Your Brand With This Niche Marketing Strategy with Susan Friedmann
Apr 01, 2022
Is your business struggling to attract new customers? If you're feeling stuck, it might be time to try niche marketing. By narrowing your focus and targeting a specific group of consumers, you can better identify and reach your target audience. In this episode of Cash In On Camera, Author Marketing Mentor Susan Friedmann shares tips for finding the right market to grow your brand.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear…
▶️ [1:12] There's that difference between target market and niche marketing. And I always say they're like kissing cousins. Your target market is let's say, women teachers, but that's still a large market to go after. So if you wanted to break that down further, you might say, teachers in high school or college, so you're going to break it down further and maybe postgraduate teaching. It could go right deep, deep, deep.
▶️ [3:17] I was doing trade show training, which was very specific. And the trade show industry multi-billion dollar industry. I was training exhibitors on how to be better at exhibiting at trade shows. And I wrote the book exhibiting at trade shows, tips, and techniques for success. And when it came out, I didn't want to sell it in onesies and twosies. So I had to look for who else had the same audience as me.
▶️ [5:31] Yes. And whether it's a book or not, or whether it's just speaking engagement, or coaching, it doesn't matter. You don't necessarily have to have a book. A book gives you enormous credibility in the marketplace, especially if you're touting yourself as an expert in the field. They want to these days to have a book.
▶️ [7:43] It could be depending where you want to go with it. I mean, you can learn about the industry. However, your credibility comes when you've been in that industry. When you understand, I mean, most of the authors who I work with through Veeva publishing, have come out of an industry or have had an experience. Maybe they've had an autistic child and they've worked with them through some natural healthcare techniques. And so, they might talk about that.
▶️ [9:40] That's the whole idea of niche marketing that you're setting yourself apart from everyone is that people suffer from what I call fear of focus, Sheryl. They are frightened to focus on one niche because as well, “What if other people want to buy from me?” I'm like, “Well, let them. Don't turn things, stop selling for people.” What I'm saying is your focus when it comes to marketing can be much more effective and efficient when you're targeting it into one niche.
▶️ [12:01] And you can tell when you look at the advertisements on television, what age group is being used in that advertisement? Are they young people? Are they middle-aged? Are they seniors or millennials? What, who are they? Whomever they are highlighting in that advertisement. I guarantee who they are targeting.
▶️ [15:18] Yeah, I love that. This is really insightful. I love what you said too about trying to find maybe two seemingly unrelated things. And that's a good strategy to pull together. And I think a lot of our audience probably start really to think about that and look at niche marketing through that lens.
▶️ [17:57] They're not going to get rich in the book. But it's the credibility, the door opener to speaking, coaching, and training. And as we said earlier, the fact is that anybody who wants to tell themselves as an expert has to have a book these days. You just look at everybody out there, who's producing books and it's because they want to get on the speaking circuit because that's where the money is.
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