Building Your Network With High Calibre People with Ella Mae
Apr 27, 2022
You've heard that your network is your net worth. That's true IF you've built your network with high-quality people. Ella Mae helps entrepreneurs figure out the real problem that's stopping their growth. She joins Cash In On Camera to share how to build your network with high-quality, high-caliber people so you can grow your business.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear…
▶️ [1:26] It's the idea of connecting with people maybe whose reputation precedes them. Right? People that you are like, intrigued by, or they've said something or done something or demonstrated something that made you got to go, "That person's legit". I like how you said that legitimacy is one of the things that probably is a standout quality of somebody that would be a high-caliber person.
▶️ [4:46] Everybody comes to them for their business. Everybody's like, "I can make you more money. I want to work in the business". The business is definitely important to them. It's probably not their heart. There's something that's got, there's a fulfillment, there's a charity, there's a cause there's something they want to change in the world.
▶️ [8:07] So, it's a pretty simple formula and what I would encourage you to do, especially early on to make this process really valuable is focused on linchpins. So, focus on people that have access to a lot of people. So, these are people who run high-end masterminds and once you start getting in and around the crowds for the high-end masterminds that are find-able, then you find out about the ones that aren't as public.
▶️ [10:44] It's the character. Yeah, it's definitely about the character. And you really gave and painted a good example of how using this formula and this framework, which really centered on reciprocity is what I kind of hear. Right? It's like this idea of giving without expecting anything in return is a great strategy. And I think it's challenging for people to do that because there's often an ulterior motive.
▶️ [12:27] So as an entrepreneur, the ups and downs are real and they're rough. We see a glamour side of it on social media but we are way more susceptible to depression, eight times more likely to bipolar, and most of us are ADHD. We're all over the place emotionally.
▶️ [14:09] I love what you're saying here because this is actually, it's very aligned to a lot of the things that I talk about when I teach this process like of how like, launch a video podcast, I'm often telling people the value in creating, you're building your network in the early stages of the development of your let's say show, in this case, is really the values in the network that your building, right?
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