How To Achieve a 75% Follow Up Conversion Rate with Aleasha Bahr

online business Apr 29, 2022
How To Achieve a 75% Follow Up Conversion Rate


Most people give up after one or two attempts to follow up with a prospect. But with a bit of tweaking, you can easily increase your follow-up conversion rate to 75% or higher. Custom Sales Strategist Aleasha Bahr joins Cash In On Camera to share why 'circling back', 'checking in', and 'following up' aren't going to cut it.



Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear… 

▶️ [0:57] So, they usually just keep checking in, following up or touching base, or circling back. Basically, it sounds like, “Do you want to buy my thing? Are you going to buy my thing or not?” And so there's nothing in it for the other person. So like, think about you, do you like when people check in with you if you're going to buy their thing, do you want to respond?
▶️ [2:43] Well listen, before we do that I want to dive in and just let the audience know that you are coming at this from a lot of experience like, 14 years plus in sales and marketing and I just love the fact that you help people convert 80% of their leads at custom sales strategist. 
▶️ [4:50] Yeah. A lot of people think they just need more leads but really it's so much easier if you just convert more of the leads that you have, you just save a lot of time and make a lot more money.
▶️ [6:29] It's so funny with this, with Cash In On Camera and guests that we bring on the show, there seems to be this through-line and narrative around reciprocity and this idea of giving without asking for anything in return. Like, this comes up in a lot of different ways, and it's coming up again. And I think the thing that we have to keep in mind is like, if you try to hammer stuff over people's heads, people are not stupid, they're savvy, they know, they see through you, their spidey senses are tingling. 
▶️ [8:27] Okay, let me frame it this way. Let's say you have a sales conversation with someone and you discovered that the timing is not now but they want to, and sometimes they ask and say, "Hey, could you follow up with me in six months from now? Because I've got this project, I got to get this off my plate, blah, blah, blah". And then you're going to follow up and then say, you do follow up and still, the right time is six months again. 
▶️ [10:12] Yeah, I would say not doing it is like number one. Number two is not asking on the actual sales call. Like, what's your timeline for making a decision. Often the conversation ends and they're like, "I'll get back to you" and it's like, "Okay, great!" then you just never know when that's going to be and you end up in this little hole. 
▶️ [12:22] Yeah, I think that I'm a little different in the way that I don't like really lengthy content. I keep it short. Like, people definitely comment on that quite frequently. I think that we don't, you've seen this in the video I'm sure, people just don't have the same attention spans. 
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