How to Reinvent Yourself After an Unexpected Career Disruption with Jay Rombach

online business Apr 28, 2022
How to Reinvent Yourself After an Unexpected Career Disruption


Are you struggling after a career disruption? It can be tough to pick up the pieces after an unexpected event throws your life off course. But don't worry, you're not alone. In this episode of Cash In On Camera, Jay Rombach shares his own career reboot story and offers his framework for reinventing yourself to get started on your new path!



Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear… 

▶️ [1:21] Yeah, I mean, it's because we identify so much with our job. The reality is we spend most of our waking hours at a traditional job and company and whether we intend to or not, we identify with the company we work for, the job that we do, and a lot of times we internalize that and we take it home with us and that's what we live. 
▶️ [3:32] Once you've come in and actually cleaned out part of your story from the past that no longer serves you, you can then start building the story of utilizing the best of who I can be and what I can do, that's the layer you're talking about. And that's the layer that most people I believe missed. 
▶️ [5:14] It's ingrained in your life. We all know that we grew up with the influences we had and from our family life, our teachers, and our friends. It's no different than the workplace. We don't know, it's like it's internal, we don't know we're in this hamster wheel that becomes us, and what happens is a lot of time our health and wellbeing are sacrificed. 
▶️ [7:32] The world of work has changed and now there's no reason why an individual can identify the skills that are best for them then utilize it and find work that's fulfilling for them. And you've got all the baby boomers, the women that have left the workforce in just massive numbers. Many, some go back or some are like I don't want to go back. I have now this in my life, so what do I do? I've always been identified with this company, with this job and this is where reflection comes in. 
▶️ [9:09] They don't know anything about starting their own business. I've always been an employee and you as someone with 30 years of HR experience better understand the employee mindset than most.  So, how challenging is it for someone to let go of that kind of mindset? I've done this a certain way for 30 years and now let's say I want to go on an entrepreneurial path. 
▶️ [12:33] It's the real deal and it's painful but there are ways again to say, "Okay, I'm not going to just save myself by going to the other job. I do have options". Let's look at what I need to clear out of my past so I can make way for what I can do in the future that best utilizes my skills, that's what's important. 
▶️ [15:01] Yeah. I love it. Reflect, Refocus and Reinvent the basis of the work that you do to reinvent you. 
▶️ [17:07] I think that's a great tip and it was about connections and getting out there. Really it's the premise of the show, right? Cash In On Camera is how do you grow your business by putting yourself out there being seen, talking, speaking, and marketing in a variety of different explanations or ideas around how that can be done but at the core of it, it is all about it's about connection.
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