The Subtle Ways Women Sabotage Their Own Business Success with Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, Ph.D
May 02, 2022
Do you ever feel like you're your own worst enemy? Like no matter what you do, you can't seem to get ahead? If so, you're not alone. In this episode of Cash In On Camera, I talk with Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD, international speaker, best-selling author, Executive Leadership Coach/Consultant & Master Trainer, about the subtle ways women sabotage their own success in business and how to overcome them!
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear…
▶️ [0:54] Unfortunately much of society doesn't necessarily give us a lot of credit for what we've accomplished. Our ability to multitask is absolutely amazing whether we should or shouldn't and how the story we've got a great ability to do so, but I think one of the greatest saboteurs is we think so small about our own potential. We think so in such limited terms about whatever dreams can be.
▶️ [1:30] That's not me, I would not do that, that's not who I am. My life is too full and I don't care what your dream is. It doesn't matter to me if your dream is $50,000 a year then achieve that and love it but if your dream is $50,000 a year because you don't think you can do a hundred thousand a year or $200,000 a year, that's a different story altogether. So, no dream is incorrect but if this is your dream, is it truly? Because if you limit your dreams and you limit you so that you don't walk any boats, now you've moved into south betrayal.
▶️ [3:51] I can't help but to think that women are maybe giving these types of figures or those types of numbers, it's like that the one week in Greece or the three days in Greece rather than a month or the $50,000 versus $500,000 or 5 million for that matter. But are these because of societal expectations that we as women are accustomed to, or decades and centuries?
▶️ [5:34] Yeah. And I wonder too if this is more of a statement, more of a question. How do we know internally if we are being called to something higher, rather than just being a dream or a hope? Because I think that a lot of women who reach over 40, over 50, they're looking at the next half of their lives. I know I have, you're looking at the next half of my life and thinking to myself like, "I'm not as an employee, job oriented or focused on that trying to rise up the corporate ranks of a company anymore as much as I want to build my own thing" but I want to have an impact.
▶️ [8:21] Yeah. And I wonder too if this is more of a statement, more of a question. How do we know internally if we are being called to something higher, rather than it just being a dream or a hope? Because I think that a lot of women who reach over 40, over 50, they're looking at the next half of their lives. I know I have, you're looking at the next half of my life and thinking to myself like, "I'm not as an employee, job oriented or focused on that trying to rise up the corporate ranks of a company anymore as much as I want to build my own thing" but I want to have an impact.
▶️ [10:43] One of the things I use for my clients is that you're sitting here as we are in our chairs at our own desks, way over there on the other side of the room is the life you create, way over there on the other side of the room are lovers you had, our friends, you had careers, you had educations, homes you may have lived in, apartments you've lived in, all of the different associations you belong to, all of that even your children and your husband or your wife, all of that is on the far side of the room that's the life you created, this is you.
▶️ [11:49] Career is something you created and developed, it is not you. So, let's separate from all of that. Who do you want to become? What do you want to do with your life? And let's look at that. That is the most important element. This is not narcissism, this is really being conscious of all the relationships I have chosen to develop if it's children and a partner then I have a responsibility to my children, and my partner but that doesn't mean placing my responsibility to sell.
▶️ [12:31] I spent years as a Psychologist and I bring that experience into my work as a Leadership Coach. I believe every one of us is called to leadership whether it's the leadership of our home, of our businesses, or leadership in an organization we may be working within. It is really my work to support others in leadership, defining who they are, and where they want to go if they have an organization.
▶️ [14:25] If you're going to be successful, the world needs to know you exist. And so it's doing Podcasts like this, doing live videos, doing radio, doing TV, getting yourself out there without the fear of what others do, or I'm frightened that I'll say the wrong thing, or I won't appear intelligent or successful, whatever the case may be welcome to humanity.
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