Social Media Is Not One Size Fits All with Nikki Clarke

social media Sep 23, 2021
Social Media Is Not One Size Fits All



It can be tempting to want to imitate what others who are seeing tremendous success online are doing but authenticity will win out every time. Nikki Clarke shares her thought on why the one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work on social media.



Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear…

▶️ [0:55] My journey into social media was something of an evolution. I started off as a college professor in the faculty of early childhood education. And I did that happily for 10 years as a single mom with three children. I had a couple of other part-time jobs. I used to joke and say, “You know, I have one job per child to make all the ends meet as a single mom”. 
▶️ [2:26] I wanted to do something where I could invite people from all walks of life to come on the show and just share their heart stories. To help people understand that whatever experience they're having they're not in isolation that there are people out there who have been there done that, and are so courageous to share their stories.
▶️ [3:53] I had an audience that was interested in the show and it started to grow. I started to get some viewers from Asia, and Australia, and I realized,  there were no boundaries to the live streaming element. People could tune in whenever they had the time and they had the interest.
▶️ [4:58] Well, it's not that you can't use the same content on different platforms. It's just that it's not maybe going to be effective using all the platforms with the same content. And what I do is provide a little breakdown and a synopsis of the popular platform. So, people can understand the audience that follows these platforms and how to use them wisely. 
▶️ [5:24] Yeah. And it's interesting because I think in a world where we're inundated with social media as an entrepreneur if you're a coach or a consultant you have to make a really concerted decision or concerted effort and a decision about which of those platforms to focus on. Because if you focus on all of them, it probably isn't going to get you the results that you're after.
▶️ [6:34] So, entrepreneurs are using it, public leaders are using it, and politicians religiously. It doesn't matter. As long as you have something catchy to say, and you can frame it within less than a minute with graphics you can use the video to send out your message live, or you can tape it, and then you can repurpose it on different streams. 
▶️ [8:25] It's a wonderful opportunity to set and establish yourself as an expert in whatever area of a topic or whatever area of interest you have become like a YouTube sensation. It least sets you apart from other people by using the split wisely because people ask me, how do I use YouTube and what kind of subjects can I use to get people to draw to my channel? How can I get there? 
▶️ [9:59] So keep it short and sweet and catchy, keep the eye candy there. Let me make it very attractive to look at and to sound.
▶️ [12:11] Keep it authentic on your stories, it's amazing Sheryl. Maybe you've experienced this, I find more people go to my stories than they actually like whatever post I have. 
▶️ [13:46] I keep it real. I keep it 100% that people like to see just you're being yourself. You don't always have to come with the hair and the makeup looking just precise for a fashion magazine. They want to see the sweat.  They want to see the hair as a little bit unruly and with my hair that happens quite frequently. So, love me or not.
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