Human-Centered Communication with Ethan Beute

online business Nov 12, 2021
Human-Centered Communication




Virtual environments are here to stay. The only viable way forward is to be more thoughtful, intentional, and personal with our online interactions. Ethan Beute has authored the book on Human-Centered Communication and joins Cash In On Camera to share how you can connect in more meaningful and effective ways with prospects, customers, team members, and every stakeholder in your business.



Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear…  

▶️ [1:09] ​​So in general, specific to the video and the way that you asked that we're obviously doing more work. And by that I mean, we're doing more selling, we're doing more serving. We're doing everything that we do in our businesses. We're doing more of it digitally, virtually, and online than ever before. And these spaces are really, really noisy. I think everyone can relate to that term. 
▶️ [3:17] Let's lay the foundation down for what is digital pollution in your view? How would you describe that best for our audience? So that really we can lay the foundation for the rest of this conversation because this is really key to understanding.
▶️ [5:43] So cybersecurity is a multi-billion dollar industry and at BombBomb here, we just all went through our annual security training so that we can be on the lookout. Because it's a threat to our business. If one person on our team touches the wrong thing, it could infect all of our immediate local infrastructures. And so, and we're not unique in that, that happens to everybody. It happens on personal devices. It happens on business devices. And so that's intentional pollution.
▶️ [7:19] So we recognize there's a continuum there, but even if you're doing truly bespoke work at one or more points in a customer experience or in a customer life cycle, your message or your experience is arriving in an inbox or a message box or in a feed that is loaded with noise and pollution.
▶️ [9:55] So such an interesting thing. And you see this all the time on LinkedIn as well. Right? You accept the connection request and then you immediately get the copy paste. Some of the layers of this is probably even automated.  I would call this consequential pollution. I don't think it's actually dangerous. It's obviously very selfishly motivated. They offered no observation about why they're happy to be your friend. They offer no specific observation as to how they might specifically or personally help you. 
▶️ [12:05] I just want to commend you and Stephen both for authoring this because now more than ever, as we've already pointed out, we do need a more human way to connect. And this chapter three focuses on a more human funnel. I'm personally not a huge fan of the word funnel, but I think, in marketing, it's the term that we use. 
▶️ [15:37] So this idea that sales and marketing are exclusively about awareness, interest, desire, action, or whatever words you want to use in a traditional funnel. That might be your responsibility, in general, but we need to be working together with our service and success teams, account management, whatever you call it in your organization.
▶️ [17:11] So ultimately end up having businesses that are more profitable, if you use these tactics and these strategies that you've outlined in the book.
▶️ [20:23] It's a short-term strategy because of the way the world has changed. And now we're talking metaverse and all these different things are on the horizon.  I think this book is just so crucial for so many of us to really dig deep into and fully truly understand so that we can move forward in a more human-centered way. 
▶️ [22:57] This is a great book. You need to get this human-centered communication by Ethan Beute and Stephen Pacinelli. And it's just a wonderful read. I'm excited to go through the rest of it. And I so much appreciate you coming on Ethan and sharing these important messages. Because this is really what's going to move the needle for a lot of business owners who right now might be struggling to make an impact, work through the noise and run a really be noticed so that they can build that trust that is paramount in order to be able to serve more people. 
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